§ Meyer on IE7
I don’t normally post links on other stories I find, but I thought this one proved worthy of a comment. Eric Meyer weighs in on IE7 and our hopes for standards support.
Eric brings up some great points and provides links to a couple of good reads. Most of all he preaches patience and understanding towards a team at Microsoft that has been slashed down to a few trapped souls who are all that is left of an IE development team.
Unfortuately, while Eric brings up some great points both about IE and about us as developers it also does not bode well for increased standards support in IE7. Think about it. If the focus of this release is security and there is an anemic team workingon the project what are we to realistically expect in the time frame that MS is talking about.
I doubt we’ll see what we want and I truly feel sorry for the guys who have to pound away on this release and then eventually get a pounding for everything that was left out – and maybe left out due to reasons that were not their own.
I guess only time will tell and speculation is fruitless but the suspense will continue to build as time goes by.
Tagged as: internet explorer standards