
From time to time something tickles my fancy enough to make it a personal project. When they turn out well enough I like to try and give a little back. Feel free to use anything you find here, just let me know if you end up using something as I like to know if what I’m doing is being found as useful or not.


  • QuizStreak daily trivia

    A daily trivia game that is the brain child of my brother-in-law.

    Built using Sveltekit and Supabase using only the bare minimum of NPM libraries and with artisinally crafted CSS. It is fun to work on and the subject matter is interesting as well.

    Sign up for QuizStreak today! ;)

  • Resume

    I’ve always been drawn to the resume as an exercise in design and presentation. This is a (typically) up-to-date resume built on whatever shiny framework is en-vogue at the time that I decide to try something new.

    View on Github Pages (link to source in sidebar)

  • Andy Lynn Parker’s Portfolio

    Andy Lynn Parker

    When your wife asks you for a portfolio site, you don’t say no.

    This is a site built for speed, accessibility, and simplicity using the Eleventy static site generation framework.

    View Andy’s portfolio.
    You can also check out the source code on Github

  • PHP-Cowsay

    Cowsay. For PHP.

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  • Sloganator 2.0

    A bolt on forum slogan system built on PHP & SQLite. A good excuse to play with modern PHP. It started as something to build from scratch, to see how much could be done as simply as possible, but quickly ballooned once we started caring about quality and stability. Functional and performant, but still needs work.

    View on Github

  • Post Password Token Plugin for WordPress

    The Post Password Token plugin allows readers to access protected posts without having to enter a password by creating secret token urls for the post.

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  • Gippy Pages

    This site’s source. A hodge podge of Ruby, SASS, Markdown, Javascript, Python, PHP, Bash, Docker, SVG, HTML & JSON.

    View on Github

Obsolete, but not forgotten

These projects are all archived, obsoleted by time, or by the tooling no longer being relevant.

  • WordPress TextMate Bundle

    WordPress is a large codebase. You need help getting around.

    This is a TextMate bundle with a lot of common actions built in with convenient autocomplete values so that not only does it reduce the need to look up function calls, but their parameters and arguments as well.

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  • WordPress NextPage buttons plugin

    A one trick pony plugin that adds the Next Page functionality back in to the WordPress editor toolbar.

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  • jQuery Togglr Plugin

    The jQuery Togglr Plugin is designed to eliminate some of the redundant code that we end up using a lot at work. A lot of admin areas in WordPress benefit from the ability to show and hide content. With the Togglr Plugin this can be achieved quickly and consistently and it degrades nicely if some other plugin kills your javascript.

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The Trash Pile

These preojects are abandoned, and I should probably delete them to protect my reputation, but I'm leaving them here for posterity.

Browse, but don't use these for anything but an example of what not to do in a modern world.