The fcXHTML Widget is Live!

After about a month in development (not counting the time that we set it down and didn’t work on it) the FuzzyCoconut XHTML Widget is here.

Fuzzy Coconut XHTML Dashboard Widget for OS X

I have to say that this project wouldn’t have come to fruition without the initial push by John but after a lot of tweaking and critiquing Fuzzy Coconut, made up of John, Joel, Harold, and me has finally produced a product.

There’s a lot about the back end of this that I haven’t even tried to understand yet since its all pretty much JavaScript and XMLHTTPRequest, something I’ve played with very little. But tonight I can’t begin to explain how excited I am to see our widget on Apple’s Dashboard Widget website.

The widget has also been submitted to a few other places so we’ll see what kind of response that we get. I’m using this myself just about every other day so I have to think that some people will find it useful. It’s being let out under a donationware license – we’re not requiring any money but we appreciate any contributions that help fund our server that helps us make endeavors like this possible.

So, by all means, if you code your own XHTML and are running OSX 10.4 Tiger give it a test and let us know what you think. Even if you’re still making sites in HTML 4.0 standard much of this widget will still apply to you. And please let us know what you think. Any and all comment are welcome at the Fuzzy Coconut Website contact page.

Update: MacUpdate now has us listed.

Update: Now listed at as well.

Update: A big thanks to everyone who checked us out. We saw more than 350 downloads in our first day and were flattered by stellar reviews on both MacUpdate and DashboardWidgets. Thank you, thank you all. Stay tuned as we’re getting started on a CSS widget that’s gonna put the other CSS widgets to shame.

Tagged as: dashboard fcxhtml fuzzy coconut os x widget xhtml