The best day of my life this year!

So, today is a good day. Earlier today I had a PET scan to evaluate the status of my tumors. And the news came back positive. The release of stress that came with this news is unbelievable.

Overall there’s no real activity within the tumors. They look dead. There’s one small spot on one of them that appears active, but its so far below the levels of being concerned about that my oncologist, and the doctors that he consulted with, are comfortable in calling my chemo a success.

We’ll obviously be keeping an eye on it. My next scan is in 5 weeks. But all in all I hope to no be lying when I say that I’M DONE WITH THIS SHIT.

Unfortunately I’m still on antibiotics for a c-diff infection (an ordeal that I was so broken down about that I didn’t write anything here on it) so my urge to break out the whiskey bottle will have to wait.

For now, though, I’m just happy that life can now begin to get back to normal. The wife and I can start looking forward not at more treatment, but at me getting stronger and back to my old self. I’ve spent too much of the last few months either asleep or just trying to get through the day. I wasn’t able to get out and be a part of anything during my chemo. It is still day to day as I get my strength back and I reintegrate back in to work but I’m looking forward to it and to getting back in to the world.

Most of all, though, I’m looking forward to planning some quality time with the wife. We both need it. While we’ve spent so much time together lately we really haven’t been together in any real sense. I’ve just been absent. I’m glad to be putting this behind me.

Tagged as: cancer free scan survivor