§ Site Housekeeping
Got a few improvements done on the site. Most notable being setting a cookie for comment data so you’ll be remembered the next time you come back and comment. As I write this I realize that I should enable the choice to be remembered or not, but for now it’ll remember everybody.
I’m not too worried about it remembering everything since the data in the cookie is encrypted using mcrypt. Each time you comment you’ll be assigned a new key and the data will be re-encrypted. There is a way I can make it even more secure but I’ll leave that for a future update as well.
Other site improvements were for me. I finally got the admin interface flushed out so that I could edit existing stories without a trip to phpmyadmin – I can do it right here in the site which responds much faster than phpmyadmin does. Pretty much all that is left on the admin side is to make a way to add categories for both the links and the stories and a way to add links. The only holdup is my laziness.
And now that I think of it I need to fix some encoding issues on submitting stories… those damn ampersands.
Tagged as: php security