§ On Vacation
Well, after 3 years we’re finally taking a vacation. Before that it had been about 7 years since we’d taken a vacation.
We’re going to DC until the 9th. We’ve got a ton of things planned. We’re gonna see friends from college (Stacy) and friends from the internet (John, Halbie, and Regan). We’re doing the obvious tourist stuff like the Smithsonian. We’re also heading out to Arlington to see my Grandfather’s burial site. I have about 20 rolls of film and plan to shoot it all. We’re also taking the digital so we’ll have a snapshot camera as well.
I just can’t wait – I love to travel and I love to meet new people. This week I get to do both!
And look out Halbie, I’m bringin’ an iPod packed with Punk and 80’s Pop tunes!
Tagged as: arlington smithsonian vacation washington